Monday, November 17, 2008

The Crunch

May you live in Interesting Times

Well, things have begun to get quite erm.. interesting for me. For all my effort I'm still looking for another job, but so far I've had no callbacks or interviews, and the only one that did get in touch with me turned out to be an online scam that I had to report to the Job Centre. Me and Bexs are pretty close to the wire when it comes to money, we can just about keep our heads over the water but the sooner I find something the better.

I've begun to meet with some other gents in my Church who are having similar trouble to me, and I must say it's really helped with my morale, as well as my motivation. We meet once a week to pray for each other and tell of our progress and share advice. It's because of these great guys that I went to a graduates job fair I knew nothing of and obtained some advice on which job sites are reliable and which ones are a pile of poo. After writing this I'm going to re-jig my CV again.

There may Be trouble Ahead

The Car goes in for it's MOT soon. I'm praying it passes, because if it doesn't it'll mean that a lot of stuff suddenly becomes more difficult. Meh. Plus there's the whole Christmas thing around the corner too.. I pray God does something soon! I was counting on using the car to visit relatives over Christmas. Heck, I'd like to visit them now but I can't afford the petrol.


Although my situation seems a little dire, and appears to be a re-run of what happened when me and Bexs were first married I'm actually not feeling too stressed about this situation. At least, not as stressed as I think I should be. Last time around God really helped us out and I'm sure that we won't be left hanging this time too. I'm certain that somewhere out there is a job for me, but which one it is has yet to be revealed. I trust God will get us through this mess, I see it as a merely temorary setback and I'm sure my next job will be a gereat big bag of awesome. I'm just put out that it happened at this time of year, when life suddenly gets very expensive. STill, it'll all turn out right in the end I'm sure.

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