Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hyperactive Go Go Go Go Go!!!


It's an exiting time for the Cooks, and as the title suggests, I'm well exited. This is mainly down to two things occurring, one tomorrow, one next week.

Tomorrow I'm going to see all my pals at a BBQ over in Coventry. I haven't seen my friends in ages, so I'm psyched up and slightly crazy for it. Happy Happy!

Secondly, the big news for the Cooks is that The Car is Being Fixed Next Week. This is a majorly awesome thing to happen, as we will be able to reap the benefits of being actually able to do things and go places without having to plan. Now, buses are great and all, but given the choice of 'Leave 20 minutes before the bus arrives, wait 5 minutes, get on bus for 10 minutes, get off, take 10 minutes to walk to destination' or 'Get in Car. Drive for 10 minutes. Park. walk 3 minutes to destination' I think I prefer the latter.

Having a car back will make life soooo much easier for us. We can pick up where we left off a few months back. We can actually visit people without it feeling like a chore. Visiting relatives won't be like travelling to the North Pole. We can go to nice places and do stuff. Or at least we would if we had any dosh. Sadly getting the car done has wiped out all my savings. *Sob*

Actually... I'm not too fussed about that. My calculations included bills. ^_^ However, it is going to be tight until the cash rolls in again. It's going to be tough for a while, but totally worth it.

These two things have made me more hyper that a kid with a box of blue smarties. The original ones that is, not the silly new ones that don't contain hyperness.

I'm off to go and do hyper things. Woooo!