Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Hey, did any of you lot see where September went? Seems like I'd only just started it and now it's almost over!

Well, things are slowly ticking along at Cook HQ. The bills are getting paid, the washing up is getting done, the nights are drawing in and I'm totally out of whiskey. I should sort that out. Truth be told, the reason this month has gone real quick for me is the fact that I've just got my head down and got on with things.

Everything is running as it should be right now. The car is working fine, our finances are ok, work is good and I'm even remembering to put the bins out each week. I know that there may be some challenges ahead, but they aren't for a few months and I'm taking steps to make sure these challenges are met and conquered.

The only thing I'd change is that I actually sit my butt down and do something creative instead of saving the world on my PS3, but there are a few things I have to do before I can do that. For instance, I'm out of paper. Oh, and arty pens. Mmm, pens. I have taken one pretty good step though. I finally got around to turning the Dining Room into a sort of mini office, as I mentioned last month. Just gotta wait til payday and then I'll go buy me some stuff and use the dark nights to come as my cue to get drawing and writing.

Gaming wise, there's not been much new on my PS3. The last game I bought was Command and Conquer Red Alert 3, which I finished ages ago. I did replay Bioshock and I've been ploughing through some unfinished buisness on Oblivion. Talking of unfinished Buisness, I'm still working on Sacred 2, but taking a break.

However... I've recently borrowed Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. It's a shooter set in the Wild West. Yee-haw and all that, what? I suppose once I'm done with it it'll be back to Sacred 2. Time will tell though.

So then folks, that's it for now. More news as and when.

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