Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Matt's Blog- The Reboot edition

Hello! Regular visitors may have noticed one or two changes to my ol' blog. A change is as good as a rest and all that. There'll be a few changes to the way I blog too. Today's entry is just a quick update really, so here goes.

Things are still plodding along at Cook HQ. All the usual stuff getting done. However, it is the run up to Christmas and wouldn't you know it, all sorts of car related stuff has decided to rear its head. Woop. This time of year is always expensive and I'm mostly prepared for it.

Work is still going well for both of us. Enough said, I guess.

Since my last update, I've been playing Fallout 3 pretty solidly, finally got all the trophies for it last night. I got it in October, so two months later I'm thinking it was money well spent. I'm not sure what I'll be playing next. Maybe I'll look into my older games and have a replay before I trade 'em.

Finally, I've been doing some writing and drawing in my mini office. Good stuff. Actually I'm off to do a bit of drawing now. See you later.

1 comment:

Lewis J. Boulton said...

Good to see you back in the blogosphere Matt. Hope to see some of the artwork - it's always good stuff - well, at least the ones you publish... ;-)

All the best, breadbin.