Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Ah, December. For me it means three distinct things.

First, Becky's birthday.

Second, the juggling act that is figuring out where I'm supposed to be going for Christmas and when I can actually go. When you work in hospitality, you work all the hours people don't. The Christian part of me doesn't really care for Christmas anyway, Easter is more where it's at. I don't recall Jesus commissioning any national holidays anyway. Would have been nice though.

Finally, the financial juggling that has to occur this time of year. Sure, I can spend some cash but I know that January has 'pay your energy bills' written all over it. Woop.

Anyways, the reason I'm scrawling is that I realised that during the chaos that is December we are on the verge of a new decade, and that is exiting. This last decade will probably be remembered for a lot of negative things; Violence, War, Financial market crashes. But for me, this closing decade paints a different tale.

For me, the first ten years of the 21st Century was a time of great change for the better. I got a degree in a subject I really enjoyed, I met and married my wife, found a great church, changed jobs a few times. I spent 2 years playing Final Fantasy XI, a game I have fond memories of. I joined the next generation of consoles, went through a few cars. My sisters brought some awesome kids into the family. Even had some dentistry done.

When I think about it, quite a lot of good stuff went on in the Noughties, and it leaves me hopeful for the next ten years, whatever we decide to call them. Who knows what I'll get up to now I'm in my thirties? I expect it will involve tea.

Well, Final Fantasy XIV comes out next year, so that's my MMO sorted out at least. But in ten years time will I be in the same job? The same house? Who knows, and that's the best part about this December. In the midst of all the chaos of trying to figure out which house I'm at on Boxing day, and trying to remember if I bought so and so their present I can look toward the future and dream.

This next decade should be excellent. Bring it on.

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